Time Logs
This tab helps a user to log time for this particular task, and also displays all the times logged for this task (by all users who may have logged time to this task) in a tabular format.
Click on the Log Time button in the top bar and a pop-up window will open to help you log your time to the task. Add description, date, and hours. Also, by default the Billed checkbox is selected, however, if this is not to be billed at the project, you can uncheck this box. Once done, click on Submit button and you will see your entry in the table.
Another option to log your time is through My Workspace -> My Time Logs. There you can only log your time for a task that is actually assigned to you. It will show you a list of all tasks assigned to you (irrespective of the project, in case you are working on multiple projects), and you can log your time by clicking the Log Time button at the top.
It will open a pop-up window where you will select your Project and Task, and then fill in the description and hours for that task. Remember to update the Billing checkbox if required.
You can also navigate to a particular Project or Task, directly from the My Time Logs section.