
What US Tech Talent Looks for in Remote Work?

Feb 12, 2023

As companies and organizations continue to shift to a remote work environment, it is essential to understand the needs of tech talent management in the United States. With this knowledge, organizations can create an effective remote work policy to attract and retain tech talent.

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Image courtesy: Jopwell (Pexels)

McKinsey surveyed a sample size of US tech talent and found most respondents, irrespective of gender, staff, and independent workers, preferred to work remotely rather than move for a job. However, its position on the priority list varied.

The survey reveals that the importance of flexible work arrangements, like working from home or bringing children to work, increases with experience and age. Independent employees rate flexible work arrangements lower than many other benefits, like higher pay, better access to childcare, and predictable working hours.

The youngest rate predictable working hours and a better pay scale higher than the preference for remote work, although given a choice, they too would prefer to work remotely.

The survey data also indicates that women rate flexible work arrangements higher on their priority list than men. While men have remote work at number five on the list, women ranked flexible working arrangements as the second-most-important reason for seeking a new job, behind only increased pay or hours.

So, what do US tech talent expect from remote work?

Flexible Scheduling

When it comes to work hours, US tech workers seek flexibility. They would prefer to be allowed to choose their working hours and work when they want. This form of flexibility helps people be more productive, allowing them to work when it is most convenient. Furthermore, flexible scheduling enables tech workers to better manage their personal lives and other commitments without requiring permission from their company.

Professional Development Opportunities

US tech talent also looks for professional development opportunities within a remote working arrangement. They look for on-job learning opportunities such as digital courses or conferences, which can help employees stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. It not only helps employees become better at their jobs but also increases job satisfaction as well as loyalty toward the organization.

Work/Life Balance

Remote work allows the US tech talent to achieve a better work/life balance by offering flexibility and freedom while still maintaining productivity levels. When there is a clear line between “work” time and “home” time, employees don’t feel overworked or stressed out due to too much pressure put on them by their employers.

In order for organizations and companies to attract top US tech talent, they need to provide flexible scheduling options, professional development opportunities, and promote a healthy work/life balance for their employees. By understanding what US tech talent expects from remote work arrangements, companies can create an attractive remote working policy that helps recruit and retain top talent in today's competitive marketplace.