
What is a project management software and why do you need it?

Jan 22, 2023

A project management software solution is a tool that helps organizations and managers - plan, manage, execute, and achieve project goals successfully. It helps manage tasks, resources, timelines, and budgets.

project management tool

Image courtesy: Marten Bjork (Unsplash)

In the world of globalization, there is no limit to the scaling of an organization. A company in one country or continent can provide services to its clients across the globe, irrespective of national or international boundaries. All this has been made possible through team communication tools and team collaboration software. With the increasing size and complexity of projects and the diversification of teams working in hybrid or remote environments, a plethora of tools have come up to the rescue. However, rather than helping, these tools are becoming an overhead for the teams owing to the multitude of apps and systems needed to do various tasks.

Consequently, many organizations end up paying hefty amounts to procure one software for team communication, another for team collaboration and team meetings, and then others for task scheduling and tracking the projects and teams.

Rather than up-notching the productivity of teams and achieving project goals while delivering quality products and services to the client, the teams are now struggling to cope with the web of tools they need to use and get trained at, to work on a project. It results in missed deadlines, miscommunication, and poor customer service or products.

So, what is the solution? Unification!

The smartest companies are now switching to project management software that offers all that’s needed to manage, run and take the project to completion, bundled within a single solution project management solution, providing a healthy and productive environment to their teams, improving their efficiency and the quality of deliverables.

The common features of a good project management solution include scheduling, task assignment, resource management, progress tracking, and data management, along with real-time communication and collaboration.

The use of project management software can help organizations improve communication and collaboration among team members, increase efficiency and productivity, and better manage risks and costs. It can also provide better visibility into project progress and make it easier to identify and address issues that may arise. Additionally, it allows for better accountability by providing a clear record of decisions and actions taken during the project.